After Light

Handmade paper monoprints (flax, abaca, dyed cotton)

Variable edition of 14



After Light is a variable edition of handmade paper monoprints made using a base blend of flax and abaca fibers with dyed short cotton pulp in a deckle box. The sheets were formed using the ‘magic table cloth’ technique in which a sheet of plastic drop cloth is laid across the deckle box surface and walls, filled with pulp and water, and then pulled out from beneath, allowing the pulp slurry to drain. The gestural movement of the sheet captures the motion of the slurry as the drop cloth is removed. The hazy, slate-colored tones washed across these sheets invokes the natural desire to assign representational names to ambiguous forms, like cloud-watching, shadow puppetry, and other forms of imaginative narration. While I resist specifying what the forms could be, I see these pieces as a complement to the more constructive, narrative reliant elements in my body of work. Rather than attempt to lead the viewer to a specific conclusion, these works are an offering to the viewer to imagine, explore, and reflect on their personal interpretation of the given forms. 


Ritual Mining


Fear is a Careful Plan